AZName offers a huge list of baby names that are ranked according to our popularity metrics. We all know that looking for a baby name for your upcoming baby can be tedious and confusing. With so many names to choose from, one can easily get lost with all the names.
This is where AZName comes in. The search for your baby name ends here at AZName. We have gathered all the information for you behind the name. All names are ranked so it is easy to choose a name that is very popular at the moment.
The AZName website is split into two main sections. You can browse the Boy Names section or the Girl Names section. Each section has more than 5,000 names to choose from. Under each section there are Biblical names, names that are categorized from A to Z which are also ranked according to popularity. There are also country specific names if you are looking for Chinese names, Mexican names, Italian names, and a whole lot more.
Below is our most popular baby names for boys and girls this 2024. Ranking will change over time as popularity of a name increase or decrease. Be sure to come back often to check out how a name ranks.
Popular Boy Names
1. Ezra
2. Silas
3. Luca
4. Elias
5. James
6. Elijah
7. Kai
8. Liam
9. Noah
10. Asher
11. Lucas
12. Aire
13. Jacob
14. Oliver
15. Levi
16. Aiden
17. Gabriel
18. Michael
19. Ethan
20. Arlo
21. Zion
22. Caleb
23. Isaac
24. Sebastian
25. Alexander
26. William
27. Theodore
28. Owen
29. Benjamin
30. Quinn
31. Riley
32. Ezekiel
33. Jordan
34. Nathan
35. Christian
36. Maverick
37. Joseph
38. Joshua
39. Henry
40. Mateo
41. Christopher
42. Axel
43. Enzo
44. Tyler
45. Mason
46. Robert
47. Josiah
48. Jude
49. Atticus
50. Rowan
51. Evan
52. Judah
53. Adonis
54. Hudson
55. Cole
56. Soren
57. Finn
58. Wesley
59. Julian
60. Grayson
Popular Girl Names
1. Olivia
2. Mary
3. Emma